About Ph.D. in Management

School of Management Studies of Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technology provides Ph.D. in Management. This program is focused on candidates’ acquiring the competencies and skills i.e to be able, to analyze and formulate research questions, taking into accounts emerging research lines from the field in which focus will be on research activities.

The doctoral degree program prepares students to:

  • conduct high-quality research and disseminate it to scholarly and other audiences;
  • teach others, inside or outside the classroom;
  • engage in service and outreach that enhances scholarship and its public impact; and
  • Excel in a variety of institutional settings, including universities, industry, and government research labs, and think tanks.

This higher degree helps the students to tackle any difficult situation personally or professionally. They become a perfectionist at their work.

Syllabus for Ph.D. In Management

w.e.f. Academic session 2020-21

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