About SEET
School of Engineering & Emerging Technologies earlier famous with the name Institute of Engineering & Emerging Technologies (IEET) was established in the year 2002 by a society named Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering (CASE), with a deep commitment to promote and propagate quality technical education.
The School has been offering following Under Graduate, Post Graduate & Doctoral courses.
Courses we offers
B Tech.
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electronics & Comm. Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Cloud Computing
- Software Engineering
- Mechanical Engg.
- Master of Computer Application
M Tech.
- Power Electronics & Drives(EE)
- Computer Science Engg. (CSE)
- Structural Engg. (CE)
- Production Engg. (ME)
- Bachelor of Computer Application
Message from Dean School of Engineering & Emerging Technologies

Dr. Khushmeet Kumar
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Dean, SEET
School of Engineering and Emerging Technologies, has been envisioned to be an institute promoting academic and professional excellence, nurturing and sustaining conducive ambiance for sculpting budding talents into technology and management leaders of tomorrow and inculcating professional ethics, cultural values, sensitivity, and sense of service towards society.
Our objective is to create a breed of qualified, innovative, and dynamic professionals for corporate sectors, the service industry, for self-employment, and for academic & research institutions of social-economic importance. We strongly believe in human values and accordingly, our teaching-learning process is based on motivating factors, discipline, although in a relaxed natural ambiance. We have created a secured, congenial and serene environment for both boys and girls students to make it their coveted educational destination.
The school has achieved commendable progress in attracting highly qualified faculty, developing high-profile academic infrastructure including excellent internet and computational facilities well-endowed laboratories, and a learning resource center. In fact, the school is geared toward facilitating the students in building their careers which their families would be proud of. Academic discipline, innovative practices in the laboratory and workshop learning, project-based learning, mock examinations, tutorials, activities for life skills, Industrial Institute partnership programs, training for facing interviews, personality development programs, etc. are the prominent features at our campus.
Our friendly and cooperative administrative staff is the backbone of this campus who always endeavors to provide continuous supports to the students. Our main objective is to model BUEST as a center of excellence for the students wishing to study Engineering and Technology courses.
I wish you every success in your future and welcome to the School of Engineering and Emerging Technologies.