About SOAS
The School of Agricultural Sciences has been established to meet the new challenges of the fast evolving agricultural production systems, which necessarily entail a complete metamorphosis of agricultural education-teaching, research and extension. The School has thus been modelled for professional excellence with all round personality development of the students.
The School has highly qualified and experienced faculty, committed to bring out excellence among students. Teaching is imparted in different courses by using interactive teaching learning methodology. Students are provided guidance to excel in activities such as group discussions, interviews, public speaking etc. which are the tools of selection process during placements in reputed business concerns.
Courses we offers
Message from Dean School of Agricultural Sciences

Prof.(Dr.) J.K Sharma
Ph.D., M. Sc.
Dean, SOAS
School of Agricultural Sciences, has been envisioned to be a study circle promoting academic and professional excellence, nurturing and sustaining conducive ambience for sculpting budding talents into agricultural technology and management leaders of tomorrow while inculcating professional ethics, cultural values, sensitivity and sense of service towards society.
To combat the needs of the youth, this university has started B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture-4 year Programme (School of Agricultural Sciences) with due approval from the Himachal Pradesh State Government. The course has been designed as per the recommendations of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) 5th Dean’s Committee Report. Himachal Pradesh being hilly State where the successful agriculture is highly competitive, specialized and technical, it needs to develop the human resource with the competence to excel in Farm sector. To achieve these objectives large part of the youth is required to be educated and trained in agriculture, which will be helpful even to meet out the goals of doubling the farmer’s income, start-up programmes, etc.
Our objective is to create a breed of qualified, innovative and dynamic professionals for agriculture sectors, the agro-based service industry, for self-employment and academic & research institutions of the country. As gesture to respect the human values, our teaching-learning process is based on students motivating factors, discipline, although in relaxed natural ambience.
The school has achieved commendable progress in attracting highly qualified and competitive faculty, developing high profile academic infrastructure including excellent internet and computational facilities well-endowed laboratories, well established Agricultural Farms and learning resource center. In fact the school is geared for facilitating the students in building their careers which their families would be proud of. Academic discipline, innovative practices in the laboratory and experimental Farm learning, project based learning activities for skill enhancement, Industrial Institute partnership programs, training for facing interviews, personality development programs etc. are the prominent features of the School.
I wish you every success for your future and welcome to School of Agricultural Sciences.