Home is where the heart is
There are two hostels for boys (senior boys hostel and Junior boys hostel) and a separate hostel for girls. The mess of each hostel is equipped with modern facilities, each hostel has residential wardens and attendants, who under the overall direction of Chief Warden ensure implementation of discipline and creation of an atmosphere that is conductive to learning. Spacious and well ventilated rooms with adequate furniture are available to the students offering homely environment.

Girls’ Hostel
Girls’ hostel is located within the campus and has facilities for indoor games. Special arrangements have been made for safety, security and privacy of the girls residing in the hostel. Chandigarh, the city beautiful being just about 30 Kms from the campus fortnightly university bus trips are arranged for girls.

Boys’ Hostel
Boys’ hostels are located at a short convenient distance from the campus and have facilities for outdoor games like badminton, volleyball and cricket. There is a shopping complex located in the senior boys’ hostel to cater to their day-to-day needs.
Hostel residents are required to adhere to the following rules and regulations:
- The right of admission to the hostels is reserved.
- Admission to the hostels will be open at the beginning of the session.
- Admission shall have to be sought afresh in every academic session and will be confirmed subject to the following conditions:
a) Receipt of a duplicate admission form duly signed by the parents/guardian of the resident. At the time of admission an applicant will fill such a form and attach a duly stamped envelope addressed to his/her parents/guardian.
b) Satisfaction of the Student Welfare Officer (SWO) regarding proper conduct and regular payment and dues of hostel, mess, and canteen in case of ex-residents. - Names of the relatives/ guardians, who are to be authorized to visit their warden residing in the girls hostel should be specifically mentioned by the respective parents in the Hostel Registration form.
- Hostel accommodation shall be allotted on the basis of merit.
- Residents should not keep cash or jewelry or other valuables in rooms. The responsibility for safety of their belongings will be entirely that of the residents. The residents are advised to take out an insurance against theft and fire. The management will not be responsible for any loss.
- Consumption of alcohol/ intoxicants/ smoking is strictly prohibited. Anyone found indulging in the above will be liable to face disciplinary action including expulsion from the Hostel.
- Residents permitting or abetting unauthorized occupation of the rooms/ seats shall be liable to
a) Expulsion from the hostel.
b) Forfeiture of securities.
c) Imposition of a fine depending upon the extent of indiscipline. - In the case of non-payment of dues or violation of anyone of the hostel rules by a resident, the CW may get his/her room locked/vacated.
- Every resident shall be responsible for the safety of the furniture/fixtures in the room. Furniture is not to be removed from one room to another. Damage to hostel property is a serious offense; any resident found guilty of damaging hostel property will be liable to disciplinary action as per hostel rules including expulsion from the hostel/institute. The repair cost of damaged furniture, electrical fitting, paint etc if done by the student shall be borne by the student only and shall subsequently adjusted his/her security.
- Use of electrical appliances, other than permitted ones, is strictly prohibited in the hostel.
- Residents should observe strict economy in the use of electricity & water. They are required to switch off the lights, fans and other appliances as and when they leave their rooms, common room & dining hall. They should keep the geysers in the bathrooms off when not in use.
- Residents are not to tamper with the electrical and sanitary installations. The cost of repair/ replacement due to any damage was done to them will be realized from the residents.
- Parents, friends, and visitors are not permitted to stay in resident’s room.
- No resident shall remain absent from the hostel during the night without written permission of the warden.
- Application for leave for absence from the hostel shall be made in advance to the Warden. Residents will make sure that their leave applications are sanctioned before they leave the hostel.
- Girls’ hostellers would be allowed to leave the hostel during holidays or otherwise, only when prior written consent from the parents through letter or fax is received and permission to leave is granted by the Dean/ Chief Warden.
- If a student residing in the hostel abstains from the classes without bonafide reasons, he/she shall be asked to quit the hostel.
- Hostel charges are to be deposited for the whole academic year at the time of admission. Under special circumstances, it may be paid in the maximum of two installments but with the prior permission of the Vice-chancellor. Hostel charges once paid are not refundable. In case a student leaves the hostel with prior permission of the University Authority, they shall have to pay the room rent for the entire academic year.
- Failure to comply with the hostel rules may result in a fine and expulsion from the hostel or institute or both depending upon the gravity of the violation. In the case of expulsion, the student will forfeit all the deposits & shall not be eligible for any claim.
- Disrespect to DSW / SWO, Chief Warden & hostel wardens will lead to expulsion from the hostel.
- No student will stay in the hostel during college hours, except lunch hours or with prior written permission of the Dean/ HOD in case of illness or other exigencies.
- All lights and fans must be switched off before leaving the room.
- Ragging is totally banned. Anyone indulging in ragging will face suspension/ expulsion from the University, besides being charged with criminal offence case through F.I.R. under local police station.
- Hostellers are themselves responsible for their valuables, cash, mobile phones, computers etc.
- Last entry timings at night in the hostels are as under :
- a) Girls Hostel (Outer Gate: 7:00 PM – Inner Gate: 9:00 PM
- b) Jr. Boys Hostel- 9:00 PM
- c) Sr. Boys Hostel- 9:00 PM
- Hostellers will follow the timings of mess and common room strictly.
- All complaints against hostel attendants/ servants should be brought to the notice of the warden in writing.
- Hostellers should come to the dining hall in proper dress and are advised to avoid wastage of food. The University authorities can conduct surprise checks from time to time. Violation of hostel rules or office orders/ notices issued by the university authorities, from time to time, is punishable.
- All types of intoxication are strictly prohibited and violation of which may lead to stricty disciplinary action.
- Strict code of conduct shall be followed by the students.