Organization Skills For Better Grades
Mid-July, rapidly approaching new semesters – pick up few positive habits to help you start off the semester with your best foot forward!
Planning is imperative. Buy yourself a book where you can note down everything – dates, homework, activities, class schedules, to-do lists, etc. it helps you keep all the important information in one place. Make sure the notebook is handy-dandy, for easy access.
Go to your first lecture fully prepared. Buy all your books in advance, that way you’ll keep up with all the reading material and can participate in class discussions. This will prevent all future breakdowns, a common happening right before midterms.
Develop a routine for better grades this semester. Maintain a standard time of studying, usually the hours when you’re the most productive. Indulge in leisure activities too or bonding time with friends. Avoid lacking behind; it makes you a great procrastinator.
Make sure all your notes, reference material and work in order, always. One way to do this is have a colour code for reference using sticky notes or highlighters. This organization will be useful when you’ve to cram for exams.
Keep your study area clutter free. Make sure there are no distractions like Television, friends, music, etc.
Follow a healthy diet. Junk food, aerated drinks, alcohol and anything that gets covered under ‘unhealthy’, is harmful. These things are root causes of various lifestyle diseases.